Thursday, 16 January 2014

Alter Ego cover

A recent cover piece I did for Alter Ego mag. Poor Dan Cox did the colours and took the brunt of the barrage of editorial corrections to the period costumes of the characters. This was the second version of the cover I did but I wasn't happy with the result and luckily they went for my final design which I thought was more dynamic. Dan and I are gluttons for punishment so we went back for more and our second Alter Ego cover collaboration will be available to view soon ... if I can be bothered to post it here!

1 comment:

  1. Sad to relate that you will go, Jason. Maybe I am old school, but I like the feel of a Blog...Fb is too temporary and one needs to trawl through it, although I do admit immediacy and as a promotional tool it is better than blogs....
